We’re thrilled by the amazing response from the Munich audience! The artists have shown how diverse and exciting the independent performing arts in Munich are – they have pushed boundaries and created new spaces for encounters. Together we are proving that the independent performing arts community is important to this city.

We are grateful that you were there to watch, discuss, dream and celebrate diversity with us!

See you in 2026…

The exhibition The Atlas Project by Sahra Huby at Playground has been extended due to popular demand. You can still come by on 19 and 20 October from 14:00 to 18:00 and on 21 October from 17:00 to 20:00 and become part of the living archive.

Our sauna has moved. Today and tomorrow you can relax in the courtyard of the Pathos Theatre, take a sauna and enjoy a break between the rest of the shows.


Encouter and Exchange

7 Days

10 Venues

1 City