In Transfigured, shape-shifters embody the Sphinx, Cassandra, and other hermaphroditic prophets, creating a world of prophecies, hopes and memories that unfold before your eyes. They perform through speech and song, with integrated audio descriptions and surtitling ensuring accessibility.
Here’s what will undoubtedly happen: Meanings will transform in motion, evolving into more and more future stories that both overtake and affirm themselves. Fragments from speculative and climate fiction narratives will cause landscapes to shift, generating temperatures and weather that transform bodies, crafting new atmospheres. Unambiguities will reveal themselves, and the search for a single truth will collapse. This is how it will be. And you will understand nothing until it here.
On 11 October there will be a follow-up discussion with Anna Donderer at 19:30.
HochX Theater und Live Art
81541 München
alternative seating
audio description
Early Boarding
Open Captioning / Surtitles
Tactile Tour
Wheelchair Access
All Dates
Artistic direction, choreography, performance, audio description, text:
Lisa Rykena and Carolin Jüngst
Dramaturgy: Matthias Quabbe
Sound design, music: Raphaela Andrade Cordova
Sound research & sound collaboration: Lena Geue and Carl Hoffmann
Stage: Lea Kissing
Costume: Mia Wittenhaus
Lighting: Ramona Lehnert
Dramaturgy for audio description + aesthetic accessibility for blind and visually impaired audiences: Manuela Schemm and Naomi Sanfo
Dramaturgical advice on surtitles and visual performance: Eyk Kauly and Kim Jensen/Mark Petersen (Gestus Theatre Munich), Susanne Tod, Emil Leske
Dramaturgical collaboration + surtitling, production assistance: Pauline Michel
Audism-critical workshop: Xenia Dürr
Visual Sign workshop: Eyk Kauly
DGS interpreters: Clara Bosse, Susanna Graf, Susan Höhn, Naomi Nicolai, Tina Rauner-Hübl, Marie Schaper, Teresa Schwarz, Julia Utter, Maria Willmerdinger, Noa Winand, Susann Schmidt
Concept & live surtitling: Maria Wünsche and Hannah Regenberg (Panthea)
Artistic production management: Pam Goroncy (Stückliesel)
Press and public relations, audience development: Hark Empen and Simone Lutz
Collaboration, touring and acquisition: Carolina Brinkmann (LEAD productions)
Co-operation stage: Till Richter
Video documentation: Anna-Lisa Lexa and Martin Prinoth
Photography: Jonas Fischer and Julian Baumann
Transfigured ist eine Produktion von Rykena/Jüngst mit HochX Theater und Live Art München e.V. und Kampnagel Hamburg und ist Teil der dreijährigen Konzeption Future Bodies (2022-24), gefördert durch die Optionsförderung des Kulturreferats der Landeshauptstadt München und die Konzeptionsförderung des Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.
Transfigured wird außerdem durch die Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg, den Bayerischen Landesverband für Zeitgenössischen Tanz und das Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München im Rahmen des Beteiligungsmanagements gefördert.
Rykena/Jüngst have been collaborating as an artistic duo between Hamburg and Munich since 2016. Their work engages in queer-feminist, intersectional, and ableism-critical body discourses, challenging the normative categorization of bodies. They also focus intensively on inclusivity and accessibility in dance and theater. Their productions have been showcased internationally, including at Tanzplattform 2022 in Berlin.
The performance Transfigured features an integrated audio description, where movement and dance are translated into spoken language. The audio description alternates between being broadcast over the loudspeakers and spoken live on stage by the dancers. It is in German, using poetic language, and was developed by the artistic team in collaboration with Manuela Schemm.
A tactile introduction will take place one hour before the performance begins. Please register for the tactile introduction, and feel free to contact us with any questions via email or phone. Pick-up from the nearest Kolumbusplatz stop can be arranged by appointment: or: +49 174 6637602.
People with disabilities are entitled to a free companion card. Please contact for more information.
A guidance system will be available in the theatre.
Audience members who wish to enter the theatre earlier for orientation and seat selection can do so 10 minutes before the performance begins.
Before both performances, there will be a short introduction to the play in German sign language and German spoken language approx. 10 minutes before the start.
Surtitles will be provided in both German and English. They will be projected onto the stage set, with the English and German surtitles displayed in separate areas. Since the surtitles transcribe the audio description, much of the text will be readable. Surtitles were developed in collaboration with Eyk Kauly, Kim Jensen, and Mark Petersen from Gestus Theatre Munich, and will also be available as a printout in advance. In addition to the surtitles, Eyk Kauly, Kim Jensen, and Mark Petersen worked on the visual performance.
Beanbags will be available in the auditorium, and it will be possible to leave and re-enter the room during the performance.